High School Hockey playoffs on the horizon, Which means....
Golf discussions have begun by your fearless leaders!!
Here are a couple quick updates:
1. No additional Preliminary "Rules" meeting necessary this season.
2. Scheduling changes are being made to our annual "Teams Selection" meeting:
Why - Good participation has officially outgrown the "BEERZWAY"
When - Tuesday, March 25th @ 5pm, Save the date on your calendars
Where - Tuttle Post Auburn
3. Start thinking about any discussion points you have for the meeting.
4. Let us know about anyone you are aware of who:
a. Was full-time last year and will Not be participating full-time this season
b. Was Not full-time last year and will be participating full-time this season
c. New candidates Interested in full time participation this season
d. Is Interested in being added/removed to/from the sub list
5. Updating contacts, need these cell numbers & emails or tell me to remove:
Anders Bylund Email
DJ (Full Name?) Cell & Email
Eric Dupuis Cell & Email
Evan Russell Cell & Email
Jack Scavone Cell & Email
Sark Jr Cell
Jim Whitton Email
Mark Lucas Email
Mike Harney Email
Vity Cell
Pat Bibaud Email
Sean Maynard Cell
Steve O'Toole Email
Steve Shiner Email
Todd Levesque Email
Auburn Alumni Golf - 2025
Double click to edit
Notables from last season:
1. Subs need to inform someone in their group if they are in for weekly prize $$
2. Carts & Cancelations?
If you cannot play without a cart, get a sub
If the round is NOT canceled but questionable, everyone come to the course for a decsion
3. Who uses which Tee?
Qualifying age is as of the start of the year
Under 50 = A players Blue Tees, B players can use White Tees on #3 and #6
Over 50 = Whites
Over 60 = Reds, front of Tee on #2 and #4, Stevey
4. Sand Traps are now "Ground under repair"
Free lift, drop within 1 club length @ complete relief no closer to the hole.
Trap left & right of green #7
Trap left & right of green #9